Now Taking Your Questions…for the Belgian Beer Festival…

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Belgian Beer Fest...

Starting Friday night I’ll be moderating two panels at the annual Belgian Beer Festival, hosted by We’ve long been fortunate to have a number of excellent speakers from all areas of the beer world in attendance to offer their thoughts on Belgian beer and culture and this year is no different. During Friday’s Night of the Funk, I’ll be discussing Funk with Dave Yarrington of Smuttynose, Mike McManus of Brewery Ommegang, Tomme Arthur of Port Brewing, Will Meyers of Cambridge Brewing, and Rob Tod of Allagash.

On Saturday, we’ll switch gears and discuss Belgian beers, brewing, and culture with Dann Paquette of Pretty Things, Jason Perkins of Allagash, Megan Parisi of Cambridge Brewing, Patrick Rue of the Bruery, and M. François de Harenne of Brasserie d’Orval.

If you have some questions you’d like asked of these folks, please feel free to drop a comment or an email…

Otherwise, I’ll see you at the fest…

Be Social: