So March has by far been the busiest month for original content that this website has seen, especially since transitioning to a blog/wordpress format a little over two years ago. Part of this has been due to a little downtime on my part and another part, I have to admit, has been related to an increase in traffic driven by tie-ins with Twitter and Facebook. For those in the know and care, my Twitter page is available for updates, both to this page and also occasionally unique to Twitter itself. Tomorrow I’m going to head up to Tampa to visit a few places and to try the new Cigar City lineup at the Oldsmar Taphouse and while there, despite my criticisms in the past, I’m going to try and use Twitter to post some updates. Who knows, I may even try to include some photos. So feel free to sign up for the Twitter alerts (I still hate saying tweets/tweeks/twits) or just follow this on your RSS feed or occasional drop-in.
UPDATE: Yeah, while attending the Cigar City event I couldn’t bring myself to stop interesting conversations or ignore my dad, pull out my phone, and type away on Twitter. I think that confirms the range of Twitter that I’m comfortable with…